Prof. Polani Seshagiri, PhD is a Professor at MRDG (Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics), Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India. He completed PhD from Indian Institute of Science and Post-doctoral training at Dept. of Vet. Sci., Univ. of WI, Madison, USA. Subsequently he joined as faculty at Primate Research Centre, Univ. of WI, Madison, USA as Assistant Scientist. Later he joined as faculty MRDG (Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics), Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India. His research interest is in studying early mammalian development with regard to the acquisition of fertilizing potential of spermatozoa and development of embryos through peri-implantation stages with particular reference to the phenomenon of blastocyst hatching. Besides, his lab is studying on cell lineage specification by using ES-cells as model system. He has been involved in stem cell research for more than a decade. He has co-authored more than 100 primary article, reviews, and editorials on different aspects of development biology and stem cell biology. He is an expert in developmental biology and for the last 20 years has acted as a scientific consultant for a broad range of constituencies in academia, government, regulatory affairs and industry.